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Revision as of 14:21, 16 January 2019 by Dean (Talk | contribs)

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Role in Story: Daughter of the Dean of Human Students, Venice is one of the core characters in this series. She's a child of privilege who has always known the best of all things. In Riverdale parlance, she's Veronica Lodge.


Physical Description: Beautiful, raven haired, porcelain skin, lush lips, a model's body. She's gorgeous and she knows it.

Personality: ENTP. Venice is knowledgeable, a quick thinker, and happy to forego tradition if it gets in her way. She's charismatic, but doesn't have the people skills for long term leadership (though she's great in a pinch). She's eloquent and charming. High energy. She can dazzle. That said, she can be incredibly insensitive to other people's needs, and very impatient/intolerant with them. She gets bored quickly, preferring to move on to the next challenge rather than nail down all the practical details of the current one.



Internal Conflicts:

External Conflicts:


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